Friday, December 12, 2008


Alright, time for Seng Chee the SkyLeZ to make his first debut in this research folder!
(actually is Bernard TUNG forced me to write something quickly lolx)

This post was made because one of the main theme for this blog would be photography, so let us explain a little something about Photographer.

Basically a photographer is a person who takes pictures or photograph using devices such as camera.

Photographers can be categorized into subjects they photograph as show in bellow:
  • Landscape
  • Still Life
  • Portraiture
  • Documentary
  • Fashion
  • Wedding
  • War
  • Photojournalism
  • Commercial
  • etc.

PAPARAZZI are also a part photographers, whereby they do candid photography of celebrities to make a living.


Now to notify the importance of a photographer in our society.

Lets say when we are outing or hosting an event. We will be too busy having fun or doing our job, one would be too rush to properly take snapshots of the activities. And no one would ever want to miss a fun moment by helping others taking photos and not to be missed in a group photo right?

Who will have the time to take a decent quantity and quality of photos? That's when a photographer steps into the battlefield. A photographer can be trusted on both their skill and experience to take nice photos. And since their sole job is just to take photos, they can be a sacrificial piece to help us take photo. As cruel as it sounds, they don't get high pay, good reputation out of the job. Sometimes they even need to work overtime to edit and rearrange the photos to be show on display.

What gives the photographer the motivation to continue their job? Is it due to their self interest? Is it for the money? Or the realization of the importance of recording an event into pictures so that the memories will be engraved forever?

Photography can also be apply in the studies of history or archaleogy such as the symbols or remains of ancient articfacts.

Either way lets salute for their valuable effort and not forget their importance in our society!
Hope that everyone treat taking photos as a serious matter but also enjoy the excitement of being able to handle such a honorable job~

*Sneak Peek on the qualification to be a LM Photographer! =D

[三大原则~ Overall requirement =) by:SkyLeZ]

Photobucket [ Enlargement ]

[-Take pictures in large quantity so that we have more photos to show.
-就算被人讲你是偷拍魔还是要继续拍! (坚持到底!)

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