Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday (Monday) - Week Project

ah~ sad sad... no one took photos~ ho ho~ anyways still got a fewwwww~~
Fai Chun's

Monday is the beginning of a new week.
Students hate Mondays because there's school after 2 days of rest or after a super long holiday,
Working people hate Mondays because there's work after a day of rest or 2 depending on their job.
In conclusion, Monday is a day where everyone is busy. (exclude public holidays though)
Therefore Mr FC took this photo of an empty beach, no one's free to play.

Xe Linn

Monday is a new beginning, a new journey. For new discovery :D

Suet Yee

Monday is just another day to me. I could'nt really link it to anything~ So~~ yeah ;D
but its the first time i thought so much about Monday XD
*edited By SC*
Seng Chee~

Some people say Monday is a beginning of a new week but for me.
But for your information, Sunday is actually the first day of the week!
Peoples especially mostly students dislike this day of the week because their mind just got back from holiday mood, which consumes more energy than weekdays because they have too much entertain during the weekends. So when class is commencing, they are too tired to keep their attention.
While for workers it depends on their job as said by Mr FC, Monday is worst for them as it reminds them of the ever repeating work they have ever done.

Therefore for me, Monday is a reminder of what you have experienced in life.

(look thru window ) A raining Monday. Damn, hate it.

*edited By FC*
Lance Goh


hmmm~~~ and that's all~
no more photo's edi~
but somehow if anyhow, anyone wants to join in~ still got Tues to Sun~

yosh~ now... start sending me photos!!!
: 3